SCOPE: All full time, part time and contract employees of CREST

PURPOSE: To assure that during times of adverse/extreme weather CREST staff are able to come to work without risk of safety to staff, clients and families.

POLICY: It is the policy of CREST to remain open unless unsafe hazardous weather conditions exist.  Clients of CREST will attend the day program based on the schedule followed by the Cumberland County School System, when in session.  When not in session, the Executive Director will make the necessary determination.  If the Executive Director determines that city roads are safe, he may open the ADVP for clients that feel they can safely participate at their discretion.  This policy will only be in effect if clients are directly contacted by CREST staff.

PROCEDURE: Day Program employees will follow the schedule for teachers of the Cumberland County School System.  For example, if it is an optional teacher workday, it will be an optional workday for CREST administrative and day program employees.  Employees choosing to remain at home will be required to take PTO leave.  If there is an operating delay for the schools, CREST will delay opening.  Announcements regarding such closings or delayed openings are made via WRAL Channel 14 news, Internet, and Emergency Radio when applicable. Any concerns regarding closings of the ADVP Program can be directed to the immediate attention of the Assistant Director/ADVP Program at (910) 476-8850.

Residential staff is expected to remain on-the-job during hazardous weather.  In event of shift change, the employee on duty is required to remain with the clients until relief staff is in the home.  For assistance and/or guidance in an emergency situation, contact Senior Management.